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Boleh ida COD kan
Ok ini bukan nak cerita pasal COD barang Shaklee ye, hari ini ida berkongsi info mengenai ciri-ciri lendir servik bagi kaum wanita
Ida pun tak pernah ambil tahu pasal ni selepas baca baru ida tahu ia satu info yang sangat berguna bagi kaum wanita mahu lelaki yang telah berkahwin
Apakah itu lendir cervix?
Lendiran cervix itu adalah lendiran yang dihasilkan dari persekitaran pangkal rahim ( cervix) dan ianya keluar melalui liang vagina.Seseorang wanita selalunya amat peka pada perubahan lendiran yang keluar ini
Perubahan lendiran itu boleh membantu dalam menentukan sama ada seseorang wanita itu sedang mengalami ovulasi atau tidak.Apabila kitaran haid berlangsung , lendiran cervical mucus juga berubah dari segi kuantiti dan kepekatannya.
Ini semua berlaku kesan daripada hormon wanita yang berubah-ubah
Ciri-ciri lendir cervix pada hari penetasan telor/ovulation.
Lendir pangkal rahim jernih dan banyak , rupa saperti putih telor dan bila dipegang antara dua jari ia boleh dijalurkan tanpa putus.

Bila dipadankan dengan carta BBT, ada kaitan dengan waktu penetasan telor/ovulasi

Perhatikan ciri2 lendir mulai dari hari ke10 (dikira dari hari pertama haid) , pengeluarannya makin banyak , jernih, saperti putih telor dan boleh dijalurkan tanpa putus dan pada waktu penetasan telor ia paling banyak keluar dari faraj. Kadang kala disertai dengan rasa senak dibawah perut/ari2 kerana ketika itu telor sedang menetas/ovulation. Ketika ini juga suhu BBT akan menurun, menandakan ovulasi. Ini lah waktu terbaik untuk mengadakan hubungan dengan suami untuk hamil.
Lendir yang cair dan jernih adalah sangat penting untuk membolihkan sperma2 menembusinya untuk masuk kedalam rahim. Dipercayai ketika sperma2 melalui lendir cervix , mereka memperoleh daya 'capacitance' atau kemampuan untuk bercantum dengan telor/ovum.
Beberapa hari selepas penetasan telor/ovulation, lendir cervix bertukar menjadi pekat dan keladak dan ia tidak bolih lagi ditembusi oleh sperma2. Begitu halnya jika ada jangkitan kuman dalam faraj atau pada cervix, lendir bolih dicemari olih kuman2 dan sel2 inflamasi dan munkin perubahan berlaku pada lendir cervix menyebabkan sukar untuk ditembusi olih sperma2. Cervical erosion, cervicitis dan infeksi vagina bolih mengganggu kecairan lendir cervix waktu ovulasi.
Kat bawah ni ada cara macam mana untuk kita memeriksa lendir servik.
Tapi ni dalam versi English lah ye.
Jemput baca semua
Fertile Cervical Mucus
Ovulation and Cervical Mucus
- As ovulation approaches, your cervical mucus (sometimes abbreviated on BBT charts as CM) changes from a consistency not-so-kind to sperm, to a more fertile variety that sperm can survive and swim through better. Right after ovulation, the cervical mucus changes back to the less fertile kind.
- While everyone's body is different, the general changes that cervical mucus go through are dry or sticky, to creamy, to wet, to a raw egg white consistency, and then, back to dry and sticky.
- When your cervical mucus is in the wet or egg white consistency stage, ovulation is approaching. This is the best time to have sex, if you want to get pregnant.
How to Check Your Cervical Mucus:
- First, wash and dry your hands well.
- Find a comfortable position, either by sitting on the toilet, squatting, or standing up and putting one leg up on the bathtub edge or toilet seat.
- Reach one finger inside your vagina; your index or middle finger is probably best. (Be careful not to scratch yourself.) Depending on how much cervical mucus you're producing, you may not need to reach so far, but getting a sample from near your cervix is ideal.
- Remove your finger from your vagina and observe the consistency of whatever mucus you find. Do this by both looking at the mucus and rolling what you find between two fingers (usually your thumb and index finger). Also, try pressing your fingers together and then slowly moving them apart.
- If what you find seems sticky, or findings are scant, you're probably not ovulating yet.
- If what you find is creamy, ovulation may be coming, but not just yet.
- If what you find is wet, watery, and slightly stretchy, ovulation is very likely close. Find time for some baby-making sex.
- If what you find is very wet, stretches between your fingers for an inch or more, and resembles raw egg white, your cervical mucus is very fertile. Ovulation is right around the corner, and now is the ideal time for intercourse.
- If you are charting your BBT, you should mark down on your chart your cervical mucus findings. Abbreviations often used are S for sticky, C for creamy, W for wet, and EW for egg-white cervical mucus.
- Don't check your cervical mucus during or right after sex, or when you're feeling sexually aroused.
- You can also check your cervical mucus by looking at the toilet paper or your underwear, but sometimes you can get a better sample by reaching inside, as described above.
- If you have trouble finding anything, checking your cervical mucus after a bowel movement may be easier. (Don't forget to wash your hands well.)
- Some women, especially those with PCOS, have several patches of fertile-looking cervical mucus throughout their cycle. If this is your situation, predicting ovulation by tracking cervical mucus might not work well for you. Taking your BBT will help you pinpoint which patch of fertile mucus was related to ovulation.
Can You Have Too Much Cervical Mucus?
What Does It Mean If I Have No BBT Temperature Rise But I Do Have Fertile Cervical Mucus?
Some drugs, including antihistamines and, ironically, Clomid, can dry up your cervical mucus. In this case, you might not find as much fertile cervical mucus before ovulation.
If you never or rarely notice wet or egg-white consistency cervical mucus, let your doctor know. Infertility can sometimes be caused by something referred to as hostile cervical mucus.
Why Don't I Have Fertile Cervical Mucus?
Some women notice that their cervical mucus becomes wet or almost egg-white like again right before menstruation. Obviously, this isn't a sign of impending ovulation.
Can Cervical Mucus Indicate Early Pregnancy?
A day or two after sexual intercourse, you may confuse semen with wet cervical mucus. With experience, you can learn how to differentiate the two. But for the purposes of getting pregnant, assume that you may be approaching ovulation and mark your
Baru tahu pasal lendir serviks ni. patutlah pelik , kenapa laa ada lendir macam tu. huhu. Thanks Sharing :)
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Ada x ubt utk krg kn lendir...rsa x selesa sgt...